Thursday, April 2, 2009

LA fever!

So, it would seem that everyone is moving to LA all of a sudden.... I guess it's safe to say that Paris Kennedy started a trend!

My thoughts are that maybe I'll only go out there for late May through mid August, work as much as I can, and come back home. That would be sensible. That way, I can go to college close to home and still be able to work in LA during the summer. Yea right. The second I get out there, I know I'm going to love it and never want to leave. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. The summer will offer a lot of wisdom to me, I'm guessing. I'm ready to go, but I'm going to miss the boy like crazy, more than I realize I'm guessing, so when it comes down to the actual leaving part, I don't know if I'll get there...or if I want to... I do like the idea of only having to travel once a month, so that would really help!

Right now, I'm back from my last LA trip, and because I was traveling in, I lost a lot of booking due to reschedules beyond the dates I was there. Fuckers. I even extended my trip, but, you can't save a sinking ship, and I should have known at the start.

I was dreading AdultCon, and it turned out to be really awesome in the end! So I will be back in October! I met some really cool fans, sold some stuff, and chatted with Aria Giovanni about shooting some content together, which would be totally awesome!

On a funny side note, I've been blogging mostly to myself, and anyone who wants to cyber stalk my naked adventures. I never really thought people actually read this, until the other day I received some "hate" comments to my blog, which naturally I'm not going to post, but they made me giggle. The fake profile commented on how it's obvious I hate my job, and how I see the people that pay me and pay for my site as all perverts and how I think I'm better than them, ungratefull, and yadda yadda yadda... It was hilarious!

Anyway, I'm blogging this for everyone to read...even you "Ben", I absolutely love working with photographers as long as they're respectful, no matter what the job is, or skill level. I also LOVE communicating with my fans whether it's on my website or other social networking sites, as long as they're polite! I joke and call them perverts, but it's only because I'm the biggest pervert of all! No one has ever been offended, and I think it's safe to say that there is a little pervert in us all!

Oddly enough, I also recieved a friend request from someone I went to high school with on Facebook, who has a habit of sending me hate mail to my myspace page....which naturally makes me think it was an accident, since I approved it and we're not longer listed as friends...but I have my myspace and facebook as a way to stay in touch with friends online, and I really don't think my profile is that interesting...nor my blog for that manner, so it makes me chuckle to myself that maybe some people are actually reading what's going on in my life. So now I must blog more for your entertainment!

My buddy John, who is on my blog list *check him out: John and Japan*, was blogging about wanting more traffic and readers. I don't even know how to tell how many reads I've maybe when I figure that out, I'll be able to help you John...but seriously, I am curious how many reads this little blog gets! My buddy Addie had someone comment on her blog about the current weather in Atlanta enough to warrent another blog about it....and me....I ramble about bitchy people from highschool and a fantom commenter who is my brief entertainment in the day.

Ok this blog officially sucks now. I'm going to go try and figure out how to tell how many reads this is getting, and in the mean can look my ass with the promise that the next one will be better....



  1. Thanks for the advertisement Malloy! It sounds like LA would be great fun, though the south would be a little less personable without ya!

  2. Hey you! Just discovered you on the OCSM thread on the FreeOnes message! You are one gorgeous woman! ;) I added you as a Friend on MySpace and I'm following you here as well as on Twitter. Keep to you soon!
