I've come to decide that JFK airport in New York is the worst airport ever....
No wifi unless you're in a crown club room
The business center consists of four pay phones, an atm, and a coin machine *are we at a car wash?
The TSA guy asked me to remove my jacket and then said, "oh, you're showing too much, put the jacket back on" .....I was wearing a white long sleeved shirt....WITH A BRA....for once :)
No one knows to stand on the right and walk on the left on the moving floor thingies...
Ugh, ok, so unless you're having a phone emergency, like I am, then this is no big deal.....
Bonus of JFK airport *this is me trying to be positive*
manicure lounge....although does not offer acrylic nails or pedicures :(
starbucks every 50 feet
decent choice in shopping and food *airport sushi restaurant*
no subway system like atlanta....i hate that thing!
The day has been saved only because...
crown club room includes free drinks
I managed to score a complementary drink on my delta flight
I'm flying direct to Atlanta
They have pick your own movie screens, which totally rock.
I'm really glad I invested my frequent flyer miles in Delta....but jeeze, it's been a crazy day.
I lost my phone...hopefully it's in Alex's car or in he and Paris's house....I'm worried that it's fallen out somewhere and I'm totally fucked and have to buy a new one....after this experience, I MUST buy phone insurance....it's so worth it for the Iphone....
I feel rather productive because I've somewhat quit smoking and have finished all my old auctions, so now I've launched new ones. I've decided I'm going to make a fetish site, but only sell stuff based on a clips for sale style, as opposed to reoccuring billing and constant updates.
Not that I don't love updating my site 5 times a week, but this will be based more on a fetish, rather than quality photography, elaborate sets, and hd video....not to say that it will not look nice, but be more of a side project, rather than a full time commitment....Knowing what I know now, it will probably make more than my site does! lol
I'm typing the rest of this blog in flight, so I'm hoping that when I land....in approx 54 mins, that I'll have good news that my phone has been recovered, so that I can unpucker my asshole....lol
I'm debating once I get home to go to Ace's for a second to grab a drink....probably a bad idea, but I'm going to be incredible bored until I have to pick my roomie up from the airport....which reminds me, how am I going to set an alarm, without my phone? ugh....I hate that I've become to dependant on a beautifully designed, touch screen, square of happiness....
I'm moving my trip to Tampa early April instead of early March....I think this is time for me to start building a savings again....yay!
I've picked out a few more sites I'd like to work with, and hopefully will get to be hired in the next few months.
I've also noticed that I have very prominent wrinkles in my neck....I'm not sure if it's excess body fat or early signs of aging. Our family does age quickly, but in weird places....I'm going to talk to a surgen about my options in a few months if it isn't extra weight that I should lose by then.....