9 years ago
Monday, March 4, 2013
Sunday, May 10, 2009
No Mayo, Cinco de Soup
Another airport blog on the way home from Washington DC. It was so rainy and depressing when I arrived, and now that I'm leaving, it's a perfect temperature outside and sunny! I was concerned that the rain was a foreshadowing of how the whole trip would go, but everything went off without a hitch! The only problem is that I barely slept the whole time. I just kept wanting to work, but now, I'm exhausted so I'm ready for my "in flight nap".
I didn't really take too many photos this trip, because there wasn't anything that interesting to photograph....and because I always feel like a lame-o asking someone to take photos of me with something funny, weird, or cool.... It didn't really matter this trip anyway, because I couldn't enjoy the city due to the weather.
I worked with Cheerleader Videos on Thursday, so that brought me into Baltimore, but by the time we were done, it was 8pm, and I was exhausted. I wanted to go play around in John Water's hometown and get some inspiration for something delightfully filthy, but I think I need another adventure seeker with me to stick to my plans...
I got to see my really good friend Lee, a photographer who's been shooting me since I was 19! We blew off shooting, and just hung out and gossiped about the biz, life, and future plans. I got to work with some other great people too, and really enjoyed the trip!
I'll be home for a few days, so I'm going to catch up on some work, shoot for my site, see some friends, and work on my outfit for the Playboy Lingerie party in a few weeks. I'm putting together different pieces and making an outfit. I wanted to wear latex, and am still considering it, but the outfits I really like aren't lingerie.... maybe another party!
I didn't really take too many photos this trip, because there wasn't anything that interesting to photograph....and because I always feel like a lame-o asking someone to take photos of me with something funny, weird, or cool.... It didn't really matter this trip anyway, because I couldn't enjoy the city due to the weather.
I worked with Cheerleader Videos on Thursday, so that brought me into Baltimore, but by the time we were done, it was 8pm, and I was exhausted. I wanted to go play around in John Water's hometown and get some inspiration for something delightfully filthy, but I think I need another adventure seeker with me to stick to my plans...
I got to see my really good friend Lee, a photographer who's been shooting me since I was 19! We blew off shooting, and just hung out and gossiped about the biz, life, and future plans. I got to work with some other great people too, and really enjoyed the trip!
I'll be home for a few days, so I'm going to catch up on some work, shoot for my site, see some friends, and work on my outfit for the Playboy Lingerie party in a few weeks. I'm putting together different pieces and making an outfit. I wanted to wear latex, and am still considering it, but the outfits I really like aren't lingerie.... maybe another party!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
May the Fourth be with you!
Happy National Star Wars Day!

So awesome!
Anywhoo....this is also an important week besides the obvious above....
Malloy is learning the importance of medicine in her life.
I'm really not the kind of person to even take a tylenol unless I'm dying of the plague or the occasional debilitating menstrual cramps, so it doesn't surprise me that it look five years of pulling teeth to get me to get on attention deficit medication....best thing I've ever done...FYI....
Anyway, I'm still not cool with a ton of pills floating around in my system. It makes me paranoid because I don't know how I'll react, nor do I want to build up a such an amazing tolerance that when I'm old, I'll die of pneumonia or something similar because I need so much cough medicine that it could cure an Elephant's cold. We all know the one package of cold meds per person per store rule...and with Elephant size needs, there won't be enough stores in all of Atlanta to help me. I consider my current actions "preventative measures", just like when I try figure out the best ways to take out zombies from my house. The event will doubtfully happen, but it's stupid to not be prepared.
That being said....for the past month, maybe longer, I've been dealing with a constantly runny nose, bloody mucus being sneezed into my kleenex, my cheeks and forehead feeling like I had a brick sitting on them, and the worst, was horribly itchy, dry and then overly watery eyes. I had no idea what was going on. I was getting rest, barely smoking, bar hopping twice a week at the most....how is it possible that I'm doing worse when I'm doing so many good things for my health?
Well, turns out, kids, between switching so many different areas of the country in such a short time, I've been introducing myself to types of pollen that my nose have never encountered before....this then mixes in with the pollen in my normal surrounding and makes Super Allergy-ridden Malloy.
I've never had allergies before, however, I haven't exposed myself to this much travel in such a short time.... ex... Atl to LA to San Fran to Dallas to Atl to DC...yea...a fuckton of travel....all in APRIL!
To drive this whole blog home, after suffering over a month with what I thought was some punnishment for 4 beers and a cigarette, I figured out I might be having seasonal allergies. I went to WalMart tonight in DC after my shoot and picked up some Clariten. I've never taken allergy meds before, so "Concrete Head" (my childhood nickname, thanks!) fought tooth and nail to come up with other options before taking this route....in the end, the drugs won.
In just an hour after taking the medicine....my nose has stopped running and I can blink without feeling like my eyeballs are made of sandpaper.
This was fixed in one hour and I lived like this for over a month. goddamn it.
So, point is, I'm still convinced that America is over medicated by themselves and physicians....but now I'm also convinced that I need to accept when things aren't going to fix themselves and take the damn doctor's orders for once.
So awesome!
Anywhoo....this is also an important week besides the obvious above....
Malloy is learning the importance of medicine in her life.
I'm really not the kind of person to even take a tylenol unless I'm dying of the plague or the occasional debilitating menstrual cramps, so it doesn't surprise me that it look five years of pulling teeth to get me to get on attention deficit medication....best thing I've ever done...FYI....
Anyway, I'm still not cool with a ton of pills floating around in my system. It makes me paranoid because I don't know how I'll react, nor do I want to build up a such an amazing tolerance that when I'm old, I'll die of pneumonia or something similar because I need so much cough medicine that it could cure an Elephant's cold. We all know the one package of cold meds per person per store rule...and with Elephant size needs, there won't be enough stores in all of Atlanta to help me. I consider my current actions "preventative measures", just like when I try figure out the best ways to take out zombies from my house. The event will doubtfully happen, but it's stupid to not be prepared.
That being said....for the past month, maybe longer, I've been dealing with a constantly runny nose, bloody mucus being sneezed into my kleenex, my cheeks and forehead feeling like I had a brick sitting on them, and the worst, was horribly itchy, dry and then overly watery eyes. I had no idea what was going on. I was getting rest, barely smoking, bar hopping twice a week at the most....how is it possible that I'm doing worse when I'm doing so many good things for my health?
Well, turns out, kids, between switching so many different areas of the country in such a short time, I've been introducing myself to types of pollen that my nose have never encountered before....this then mixes in with the pollen in my normal surrounding and makes Super Allergy-ridden Malloy.
I've never had allergies before, however, I haven't exposed myself to this much travel in such a short time.... ex... Atl to LA to San Fran to Dallas to Atl to DC...yea...a fuckton of travel....all in APRIL!
To drive this whole blog home, after suffering over a month with what I thought was some punnishment for 4 beers and a cigarette, I figured out I might be having seasonal allergies. I went to WalMart tonight in DC after my shoot and picked up some Clariten. I've never taken allergy meds before, so "Concrete Head" (my childhood nickname, thanks!) fought tooth and nail to come up with other options before taking this route....in the end, the drugs won.
In just an hour after taking the medicine....my nose has stopped running and I can blink without feeling like my eyeballs are made of sandpaper.
This was fixed in one hour and I lived like this for over a month. goddamn it.
So, point is, I'm still convinced that America is over medicated by themselves and physicians....but now I'm also convinced that I need to accept when things aren't going to fix themselves and take the damn doctor's orders for once.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Insomnia on the East Coast
It's a late night, or early morning depending on how you're looking at it, so I wanted to take the time to catch up on some bloggin while I wait for some files to transfer....
I've been traveling like a crazy person...Tampa with Isobel, then LA, San Fran and now I'm in DC! I really enjoy traveling with other models because it's nice to share expenses and have someone to hang out with and explore the city, but it was nice working on my own schedule and having some Malloy time.
LA and San Fran really gave me some time to relax and gather my workload. When I got home, I promised Tim that I would go to the psychiatrist to get tested for a.d.d. again. It's been so long since the last time I was tested, I knew that I needed to update it. Well, turns out that I'm incredibly a.d.d.! I thought everyone had the issues with work, organization and studying like I did, they just dealt with it better....he laughed at me and said "no, I have no idea how you function so well". So, I'm now a happy medicated person! Yay Adderal! Actually, it's so nice, I get so much work done faster, and it's like my mind is calm! :D yay!
The weather in DC is horrible....it's rainy and mid 60s my whole trip, so I'm glad I'll be going home on Friday....I'm working with some cool people and fun companies, so images are on the way! :D
Here are some photos from my trips! :D These are from my iphone, so they're more of a photo timeline than anything else...but I'll start posting the scandalous photos soon! :D I left my camera in my car.
The bird directly next to the makeup chair made it extra entertaining!

Me in my first outfit for LycraPavel.com I love that site! Highly styled sets, amazing locations, awesome photography, and it's all pantyhose fetish! :D

Wardrobe of a "sexy co-ed" lol

Driving to location, I managed to grab a snap of the Golden Gate Bridge! Fun, but not as fun as boutique shopping in San Fran!

Celebratory Homecoming Wine.....really cute bottle, really horrible wine...

Best thing about hotel rooms.... CABLE! Law and Order SVU FTW!

Files are done transferring, so now it's bedtime! :D
night night!
I've been traveling like a crazy person...Tampa with Isobel, then LA, San Fran and now I'm in DC! I really enjoy traveling with other models because it's nice to share expenses and have someone to hang out with and explore the city, but it was nice working on my own schedule and having some Malloy time.
LA and San Fran really gave me some time to relax and gather my workload. When I got home, I promised Tim that I would go to the psychiatrist to get tested for a.d.d. again. It's been so long since the last time I was tested, I knew that I needed to update it. Well, turns out that I'm incredibly a.d.d.! I thought everyone had the issues with work, organization and studying like I did, they just dealt with it better....he laughed at me and said "no, I have no idea how you function so well". So, I'm now a happy medicated person! Yay Adderal! Actually, it's so nice, I get so much work done faster, and it's like my mind is calm! :D yay!
The weather in DC is horrible....it's rainy and mid 60s my whole trip, so I'm glad I'll be going home on Friday....I'm working with some cool people and fun companies, so images are on the way! :D
Here are some photos from my trips! :D These are from my iphone, so they're more of a photo timeline than anything else...but I'll start posting the scandalous photos soon! :D I left my camera in my car.
The bird directly next to the makeup chair made it extra entertaining!
Me in my first outfit for LycraPavel.com I love that site! Highly styled sets, amazing locations, awesome photography, and it's all pantyhose fetish! :D
Wardrobe of a "sexy co-ed" lol
Driving to location, I managed to grab a snap of the Golden Gate Bridge! Fun, but not as fun as boutique shopping in San Fran!
Celebratory Homecoming Wine.....really cute bottle, really horrible wine...
Best thing about hotel rooms.... CABLE! Law and Order SVU FTW!
Files are done transferring, so now it's bedtime! :D
night night!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tampa in review...
Yet another airport blog! Yay!
I'm watching the sun come up at Gate 10, Terminal T. I'm headed for L.A. and then off to San Francisco for a few days. The whole reason for my trip is to shoot for a company called Brazzers, however, because the other girl decided to reschedule, the shoot was canceled. Somehow, I knew this would happen. Although I don't mind doing g/g, this has made me realize that I cannot do it and travel into the city. Thank god I didn't get tested! I would've been out another $150 like last month and the month before. I love that the industry is regulated, but if I'm not going to use the test, it's really frustrating to HAVE it done, spend the money, and not use it at all. So for now, I'm keeping the g/g mostly exclusive to my site, which I think my members will appreciate!
Tampa went well! Traveling with Isobel is great because we know to give each other space, but it's nice to have company with someone and split travel expenses. We stayed with her friend Joe, which ended up not working out as planned, and we were rescued by a nice photography couple for the last two days of our trip!
Usually when I'm at the beach, I barely get to go once, but in between shoots, or in the evening, Isobel and I tried to walk along the beach at least every other day! Photos on the way! We also made twitter blogs to go with them! :D
I decided that LA over the summer as a trial run isn't in the cards right now. I'd rather travel to other parts of the country that I haven't really spent much time working in.... so I'm excited! I know LA is my future, and there isn't any avoiding it, but for now, I think I want to spend a little more time on the road and move when it's the best time.
Isobel and I went back to Atlanta instead of Miami, which is a totally dead market... apparently... and I made the most money this week than I ever have in the city! Damn, when did all this paying work happen? Best part is, they're almost all websites, so that's regular work! :D Huzzah!
Now my flight is boarding....so my nap will soon begin! Til next time!
I'm watching the sun come up at Gate 10, Terminal T. I'm headed for L.A. and then off to San Francisco for a few days. The whole reason for my trip is to shoot for a company called Brazzers, however, because the other girl decided to reschedule, the shoot was canceled. Somehow, I knew this would happen. Although I don't mind doing g/g, this has made me realize that I cannot do it and travel into the city. Thank god I didn't get tested! I would've been out another $150 like last month and the month before. I love that the industry is regulated, but if I'm not going to use the test, it's really frustrating to HAVE it done, spend the money, and not use it at all. So for now, I'm keeping the g/g mostly exclusive to my site, which I think my members will appreciate!
Tampa went well! Traveling with Isobel is great because we know to give each other space, but it's nice to have company with someone and split travel expenses. We stayed with her friend Joe, which ended up not working out as planned, and we were rescued by a nice photography couple for the last two days of our trip!
Usually when I'm at the beach, I barely get to go once, but in between shoots, or in the evening, Isobel and I tried to walk along the beach at least every other day! Photos on the way! We also made twitter blogs to go with them! :D
I decided that LA over the summer as a trial run isn't in the cards right now. I'd rather travel to other parts of the country that I haven't really spent much time working in.... so I'm excited! I know LA is my future, and there isn't any avoiding it, but for now, I think I want to spend a little more time on the road and move when it's the best time.
Isobel and I went back to Atlanta instead of Miami, which is a totally dead market... apparently... and I made the most money this week than I ever have in the city! Damn, when did all this paying work happen? Best part is, they're almost all websites, so that's regular work! :D Huzzah!
Now my flight is boarding....so my nap will soon begin! Til next time!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
LA fever!
So, it would seem that everyone is moving to LA all of a sudden.... I guess it's safe to say that Paris Kennedy started a trend!
My thoughts are that maybe I'll only go out there for late May through mid August, work as much as I can, and come back home. That would be sensible. That way, I can go to college close to home and still be able to work in LA during the summer. Yea right. The second I get out there, I know I'm going to love it and never want to leave. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. The summer will offer a lot of wisdom to me, I'm guessing. I'm ready to go, but I'm going to miss the boy like crazy, more than I realize I'm guessing, so when it comes down to the actual leaving part, I don't know if I'll get there...or if I want to... I do like the idea of only having to travel once a month, so that would really help!
Right now, I'm back from my last LA trip, and because I was traveling in, I lost a lot of booking due to reschedules beyond the dates I was there. Fuckers. I even extended my trip, but, you can't save a sinking ship, and I should have known at the start.
I was dreading AdultCon, and it turned out to be really awesome in the end! So I will be back in October! I met some really cool fans, sold some stuff, and chatted with Aria Giovanni about shooting some content together, which would be totally awesome!
On a funny side note, I've been blogging mostly to myself, and anyone who wants to cyber stalk my naked adventures. I never really thought people actually read this, until the other day I received some "hate" comments to my blog, which naturally I'm not going to post, but they made me giggle. The fake profile commented on how it's obvious I hate my job, and how I see the people that pay me and pay for my site as all perverts and how I think I'm better than them, ungratefull, and yadda yadda yadda... It was hilarious!
Anyway, I'm blogging this for everyone to read...even you "Ben", I absolutely love working with photographers as long as they're respectful, no matter what the job is, or skill level. I also LOVE communicating with my fans whether it's on my website or other social networking sites, as long as they're polite! I joke and call them perverts, but it's only because I'm the biggest pervert of all! No one has ever been offended, and I think it's safe to say that there is a little pervert in us all!
Oddly enough, I also recieved a friend request from someone I went to high school with on Facebook, who has a habit of sending me hate mail to my myspace page....which naturally makes me think it was an accident, since I approved it and we're not longer listed as friends...but I have my myspace and facebook as a way to stay in touch with friends online, and I really don't think my profile is that interesting...nor my blog for that manner, so it makes me chuckle to myself that maybe some people are actually reading what's going on in my life. So now I must blog more for your entertainment!
My buddy John, who is on my blog list *check him out: John and Japan*, was blogging about wanting more traffic and readers. I don't even know how to tell how many reads I've had....so maybe when I figure that out, I'll be able to help you John...but seriously, I am curious how many reads this little blog gets! My buddy Addie had someone comment on her blog about the current weather in Atlanta enough to warrent another blog about it....and me....I ramble about bitchy people from highschool and a fantom commenter who is my brief entertainment in the day.
Ok this blog officially sucks now. I'm going to go try and figure out how to tell how many reads this is getting, and in the mean time....you can look my ass with the promise that the next one will be better....
My thoughts are that maybe I'll only go out there for late May through mid August, work as much as I can, and come back home. That would be sensible. That way, I can go to college close to home and still be able to work in LA during the summer. Yea right. The second I get out there, I know I'm going to love it and never want to leave. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. The summer will offer a lot of wisdom to me, I'm guessing. I'm ready to go, but I'm going to miss the boy like crazy, more than I realize I'm guessing, so when it comes down to the actual leaving part, I don't know if I'll get there...or if I want to... I do like the idea of only having to travel once a month, so that would really help!
Right now, I'm back from my last LA trip, and because I was traveling in, I lost a lot of booking due to reschedules beyond the dates I was there. Fuckers. I even extended my trip, but, you can't save a sinking ship, and I should have known at the start.
I was dreading AdultCon, and it turned out to be really awesome in the end! So I will be back in October! I met some really cool fans, sold some stuff, and chatted with Aria Giovanni about shooting some content together, which would be totally awesome!
On a funny side note, I've been blogging mostly to myself, and anyone who wants to cyber stalk my naked adventures. I never really thought people actually read this, until the other day I received some "hate" comments to my blog, which naturally I'm not going to post, but they made me giggle. The fake profile commented on how it's obvious I hate my job, and how I see the people that pay me and pay for my site as all perverts and how I think I'm better than them, ungratefull, and yadda yadda yadda... It was hilarious!
Anyway, I'm blogging this for everyone to read...even you "Ben", I absolutely love working with photographers as long as they're respectful, no matter what the job is, or skill level. I also LOVE communicating with my fans whether it's on my website or other social networking sites, as long as they're polite! I joke and call them perverts, but it's only because I'm the biggest pervert of all! No one has ever been offended, and I think it's safe to say that there is a little pervert in us all!
Oddly enough, I also recieved a friend request from someone I went to high school with on Facebook, who has a habit of sending me hate mail to my myspace page....which naturally makes me think it was an accident, since I approved it and we're not longer listed as friends...but I have my myspace and facebook as a way to stay in touch with friends online, and I really don't think my profile is that interesting...nor my blog for that manner, so it makes me chuckle to myself that maybe some people are actually reading what's going on in my life. So now I must blog more for your entertainment!
My buddy John, who is on my blog list *check him out: John and Japan*, was blogging about wanting more traffic and readers. I don't even know how to tell how many reads I've had....so maybe when I figure that out, I'll be able to help you John...but seriously, I am curious how many reads this little blog gets! My buddy Addie had someone comment on her blog about the current weather in Atlanta enough to warrent another blog about it....and me....I ramble about bitchy people from highschool and a fantom commenter who is my brief entertainment in the day.
Ok this blog officially sucks now. I'm going to go try and figure out how to tell how many reads this is getting, and in the mean time....you can look my ass with the promise that the next one will be better....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
the doom fog and the following calm.
Well, I live an exciting life. Out of all my bookings, only one has held true. One has rescheduled for Monday, and we'll see if that happens. This trip has made me realize the truth of LA, the reason why everyone eventually moves here.....because it's not worth traveling into....This city is too goddamn expensive to travel to and all the people are too damn flaky for a traveling nude model to expect her bookings to stay on track.
I swear it's the medicinal marijuana in the air.
Naturally, if I lived here, it would be awesome. I'm a laid back chick, avoiding the clutches of schedules and 9am clock ins. I want to go to school, but I want to settle down to study, and the places I've lived are not the places I want to stay for 2 or 4 years.
I'm the kind of person that once I decided I need to do something....I do it fast. Well, I've decided. I talked to the boy, and although it would suck to leave, it's something I want to do. If I like it, he says he'll move out in 6 months, but I have to try it on my own til then.
It will take me 5-7 days to drive my car across the country to LA. 5-7 days because I will pick up paid gigs along the way to help my moving expenses. LA is a transitional city and really caters to people moving in. I've found some cool rooms to rent, and will finally get to learn how to surf.
Now, the last question for myself is late April or May? I'll figure this out on Wednesday....
to my next adventure! :D
free photo,
life changes,
malloy martini,
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